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July 2022 Update

Warm greetings from the YWAM Gateway team! We hope this update finds you and your family well.

Our hearts are full of gratitude for the ways God has sustained us during such a challenging season and for the doors He has opened for us to bless many people in our city. If there is anything we have learned, is that nothing, not even COVID 19, can stop the advancing of God’s Kingdom! Praise the Lord!

Rejoice with us as you read about the things God enabled us to do these past six months.

Discipleship Training School Graduates

On February 11th, we celebrated the graduation of these four brave young people. It was a privilege to be part of their journey and witness their obedience and trust in the Lord during the school.

“This DTS was so important for me because I learned how to hear God’s voice and surrender to Him, now I can trust in Him and depend on Him much more!”


“I loved my DTS! I believe it’s an amazing time to really build your character, test you and challenge you, stretch you out of your comfort zone.”


Not Ignored

On March 5th, we celebrated one year since we officially started with “Not Ignored” as a ministry!

During this year we were able to bless the poor and the needy in Chai Wan with:

  • 4000+ Breakfast buns
  • 160,000+ Masks
  • 2000+ Other Hygiene Product
  • 6000+ Non-perishable Items
  • 7000+ Water/Drinks

We started in March 2021, distributing to 80 people. Now we have 600 people registered!

We have prayed for people and some accepted Jesus in their hearts. We rejoice together and give praise to God for what He has done!
We continue to bless our community every Saturday at 6:30am and 9:30am through gifts and donations. Seeing the smile on their faces is priceless!

Apart from reaching out to our regular Not Ignored friends, we prayed and asked God for opportunities to bless the grass-root families in our community.
We shared this desire with the Chai Wan pastors fellowship to help us reach these families. God answered our prayers, and our team was able to pack and distribute over 200 COVID relief gift bags!

Every week, we witness how the Lord brings transformation into the community.

Ar Hing, one of our Not Ignored friends, has become one of our regular volunteers helping us with packing. What a testimony to see one who has received, now blessing and serving others!

Principles for Children, Youth and Family Ministry School (PCYFM)

At the beginning of May, we started PCYFM. It is a second-level YWAM School designed to equip leaders to reach and serve children, youth and families.
It’s an intense, full-time program

integrated into a live-learn environment consisting of two parts: the lecture and the outreach phases. We are approaching the outreach phase and we are looking forward to what God is going to do through our students in churches and schools.

Serving Local & International Churches

We are grateful to the Lord for the different opportunities to serve Hong Kong churches during weekends through preaching, leading worship, and running children and youth programs.

Reaching Chai Wan Ethnic Minorities

Through soccer training, our team reaches out to the Pakistani children and youth in Chai Wan. It is an excellent opportunity to connect with them, make friends, and teach them character values and skills.

Join our Not Ignored Fundraise!

We have received a massive donation of top-quality wine bottles. A well-known Hong Kong organization donated these bottles to us so that we can use them for fundraising.

  • Bottle: HKD 100
  • Box x12 bottles: HKD 1000

Please, reach out to us if you would like to buy and contribute.

Prayer Points

  • For our summer programs and PCYFM outreach. We will be running a variety of programs in schools and churches during July and August. Pray that many children and youth will be impacted.

We are very grateful for your friendship, prayers, care, and support through the seasons.
What a privilege to be together in fulfilling the Great Commission!

On behalf of everybody at YWAM Gateway,

Ps. Diego and Andrea Servant

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