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Listen and obey – Cycling Adventures

On the back of an intense season, after the Gateway GPS Camp, we set off once again for a Cycling Adventure. We were tired, many were ill, we had a couple of accidents and there was even a typhoon coming. It felt like a battle but we sensed that God was going to do something very special and we pressed on! This is one of the stories.

Just listen and obey

By Andrea Servant

On the last day of our trip, we had a wonderful time of worship and intercession together in the hotel. As we were praying in our small group for the day and the villages we would visit, my older son Agustin received an impression of a lady carrying a stick with two buckets on both sides and of my husband riding towards the north. We left the hotel and we began riding our bicycles.

In the afternoon, as we kept exploring and pressing on riding north following the impression my husband received, we finally arrived at a village with a wide rice field on the righthand side. There were several farmers working in the rice field when Agustin suddenly spotted a lady carrying a stick with two buckets on both sides!

– “Mum, dad, there’s the lady! We should go and talk to her!” shouted Agustin.

My first thought was that we should wait until she was done with her work in the rice field. The field was very muddy and it would have been very difficult to walk inside. I told my son that we should wait, and perhaps visit another house nearby.

But he kept insisting – “No mum, this is the lady, we can’t waste our time, let’s talk to her.”

All I remember is that I was helping my husband by holding his bike while he was putting back the camera and other equipment inside the bike bags, and when I turned my face to the rice field there was Agustin with our friend talking to the lady in the middle of the rice field.

I walked to the rice field and when I arrived at the spot where they were, Agustin was already sharing the Gospel with the lady!

The lady was very kind, she listened carefully while she was picking some chilly to give to us. Then she invited us to come to her house where she offered some tea and dragon eye fruit to us. She also introduced her children and grandchildren!

Her children who were both in their mid-twenties were also very kind. We were chatting with them about our family and our home country of Argentina.

Agustin began to share with them about Jesus with the help of our friend who translated into Cantonese. Both children gave their lives to the Lord!

We witnessed once again the Lord leading us to the right village, in the right time of the day and to the right people that were ready to receive us.

This is such a simple and yet profound thing: when we set our hearts to just listen to God and then we take simple steps of obedience to what we receive from Him in prayer, He can take us to places beyond what we may think or imagine, and lives can be transformed by the power of the gospel.

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