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Christmas Fun, Fellowship, Learning and Reaching Out!

On December 4th, more than 12 families joined our Homeschoolers Christmas Outreach, specially designed by our YWAM Gateway Team to equip and mobilize these homeschooling children from 4 to 12 years old. (…what is homeschooling?)

We had dynamic times of teachings, intercession and different workshops (such as dance, drama and magic tricks) as a way to equip the children for the time of outreach.

Later on, we had such an incredible time sharing the gospel in Chai Wan, our neighbourhood, that afternoon. So many people open to receive Jesus in their hearts!

These are testimonies from some of the mums:

The YWAM Gateway team taught our kids two Christ centred choreographed songs, a mime skit and simple magic tricks to share the Gospel. During the outreach, we had primary grade level books to give away for free to those interested (these books were donated to YWAM Gateway some months ago). We also gave away free muffins with the “Jesus loves you” message. The local crowd was truly blessed and we were too. We got to pray for many people for healing, salvation, and for the Lord to show His Truth to them. It was wonderful! The kids learned some practical ways to engage people to share the Gospel. I think there was abundant joy between the group and the people we interacted with. There were many decisions for Christ!

Lots of learning, fellowship, fun, reaching out. Wow, it’s true… when you focus on serving, the fun and fellowship happen naturally. Thanks to YWAM Gateway team for leading us!

It was truly amazing! During the outreach, two of our kids led our small group to an old lady in a wheelchair who was really ready to receive Christ. The kids also led us to another group of old ladies who wanted to receive prayers. We all had the opportunity to talk to non-believers. Everyone was blessing people with gifts and prayers!

It was really important that the kids have a basis of why we should do the outreach: the YWAM Gateway team set up a “treasure hunt” in the morning where the kids had to search for different clues/envelopes. Each envelope requiring the kids to read a Bible verse, citing an attribute of God, and then be given a clue from another bible verse for the next envelope. In total, 21 God’s attributes were found! This gave the kids a purpose to go out and tell everyone about our Awesome God!

The YWAM Gateway team prepared the kids so well that they felt empowered to share their testimony. It was a very safe environment to evangelise and it also brought our kids together as they served Christ as a team. One child speaking English, one translating into Putonghua or Cantonese. Kids praying for people. It was a very uplifting experience.

I have always felt handicapped with “street evangelism” in HK, but YWAM Gateway showed us how we could be instrumental in so many ways. It was empowering to intercede as other mums spoke to the crowd in Cantonese. It was amazing to see the kids filled with the Holy Spirit as they were eager to tell people about Jesus.

Will be praying for the next outreach and HIS leading!

We are already praying together as a team with the homeschool mums and children for our next Outreach in Chai Wan. We all felt Easter will be a great opportunity to get together again and share God’s love with our local community.

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling is a type of education where children learn outside of a school setting under the supervision of their parents. The family determines what is to be learned and how it is to be taught while following whatever government regulations apply in their home country. Today, homeschooling parents have a wide range of curriculum, distance learning programs, and other educational resources to choose from. Homeschooling is a widely accepted educational alternative to traditional public or private schools, as well as a valuable method of learning in its own right.

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